Business is intensely competitive these days. Under such intense pressure strategy usually breaks down into two things: do more of whatever is creating value, and […]
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Innovation [22-09-2010]
Another week and another collection of interesting ideas from around the internet. As always, thoughts and/or comments are greatly appreciated. Fire and brimstone [The Economist] […]
Continue readingBusiness models for the old rules of IT
The old rules for enterprise IT{{1}} — the rules that have determined the nature of the enterprise IT market — has shaped the people and […]
Continue readingShort blog posts are cheese burgers
There’s some commonly accepted wisdom that good blog posts should be short and give you something to think about. The theory is that people are […]
Continue readingPlanning should not require a Gantt chart
There’s a standard slide in my bag of tricks which finds it’s way into a surprising number of presentations. It’s a simple slide, one allowing […]
Continue readingInnovation [25-08-2010]
Another week and another collection of interesting ideas from around the internet. As always, thoughts and/or comments are greatly appreciated. The 50 worst inventions [Times] […]
Continue readingBasketball as an innovation metaphore
I just realised that the approach to basket ball described by The no-stars all star, from the NY Times, is a nice model for innovation […]
Continue readingThink “in the market,” not “go to market”
A friend of mine{{1}} made an astute comment the other day. We need to think about “in the market” models, rather than “go to market” […]
Continue readingI’ve already told you more than 125% of what I know
Bob Sutton has an interesting post on the limits of expertise: I have already told you more than 125% of what I know. As he points […]
Continue readingPeter Drucker’s seven sources of innovation
It seems that every time I find a web reference for Peter Drucker’s seven sources of innovation, the web site dies. So after yet-another site […]
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