There’s a lot of talk in the media at the moment about the soft retail market. Consumer confidence is down[ref]Australian Consumer Confidence, Trading Economics[/ref] and we […]
Continue readingAuthor: peg
The destruction of traditional retail
A steady stream of news stories is trying to convince us that online is killing retail, that online has an unfair advantage and show rooming […]
Continue readingThe New Instability: A summary in slides
I’ve put a slide overview of the book up on slideshare. Or you can look at the embedded version below. [slideshare id=17402864&doc=thenewinstability-130320035411-phpapp02]
Continue readingAnalysis paralysis is a myth
Cries of ‘analysis paralysis’ are more often fiction than fact. Every time I’ve heard someone call out the phrase in a meeting it’s to end […]
Continue readingThe Enterprise of Tomorrow
David Glideh gave a talk at Unsexy Startups in London on the future of the enterprise, building on an using some of the key themes in the […]
Continue readingWe are all expectation machines
Unlearning is potentially more important than learning{{1}} as it allows us to sweep away concepts and preferences that are now longer relevant, clearing the way […]
Continue readingIs your organisation irrelevant?
It doesn’t really matter which which way up you put the organisational pyramid the statically defined, stable organisation is looking quaint and increasingly irrelevant.
Continue readingUnlearning is the most important thing
We’ve all become obsessed with learning over the last few years. The world is changing quite rapidly and we need to constantly learn new tricks […]
Continue readingGovernance isn’t a process
For some strange reason every time someone mentions ‘governance’ all sense is thrown out the window, the process wonks rub their hands with glee, and […]
Continue readingObserve, Orient, Decide, Act
It seems that I’ve shared this with four or five different groups of people over the last couple of weeks, so I thought it worthwhile […]
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